Sunday, November 15, 2015


More To Know,


-Was during the time I taught school in Montana.

-Whoa! Whoa-freakin-whoa! You taught school
in Montana?

-So I said.

-Known you five years! And you never said anything about...!

-Occasion never presented itself.

-And two of those years...ahem!...intimately.

-Well...was nice, but you got your Carl now.

-Earth moon stars! I wake up happy! Am I jinxing
things saying this?

-I’m non-believer in bushwah, so, no.

-Uh huh? Look! The Gary Cooper part is dead in
movies today.

-Yeah, it’s all Woody Callin.



-Will there be further “reveals?” From Mysterioso?

-In time.

-Well, don’t forget the cookout. You can tell us
which of your old students made it in the cattle
and fashion industries.

-Bringing bagels.

-(sings) My home’s in Montana.
I wear a bandanna!

-New York Jew.

-Best of the best for our gang!

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