Sunday, February 14, 2016
Saving Math
-I've got the one bad habit.
-Not to say atrocious!
-I've taken measures to break it.
-Such as...?
-Well...half measures anyway.
-Then, the half get halved.
-Thus, quarter measures. Still okay.
-Okay okay! Maybe I'm all the way
down to one sixty-fourth!
-Keep going and you'll get even worse.
-No. The math favors me, no matter what.
It's good for my character that I keep improving,
however small.
-By this time, indistinguishable from horror!
-Uh uh. According to Archimedes–-I think--I'll
never really get bad again.
-Those Greeks knew their shit. Not!
-(Sings) Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street.
Labels: Archimedes, bad habit, Greeks, habit, math, self-improvement, sunny side of street