Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Why the Women Love Mr Andre

(or Her Shoes Were--formerly--a Terrible Disgrace)

When Melana finally got the big promotion,
she went to Mr Andre’s for the works!

She had a week to report, and this the
first step.

The second, to “Mr Andre’s Brother”--
the actual name of the store in the
same building.

Who closed a few minutes early and they
sat on the thick rug like Indians.

“I have brought you a great beauty
who needs shoes urgently!”

The brother arranged for the new shipment
of Hal Hastings to be brought in and opened
in front of her. Melani ended with a dozen pair.

When she presented her Visa, Andre’s look
said discount.

It prevailed, though Hal Hastings never,
ever, discounted.

Tomorrow would be boutiques, but,
once home, she got ravenous.

Off to the Showbiz Deli, a block away,
wearing her lowest slung Hal Hastings,
with their little colored beads for fun!

Micksey Dell awaited the bus in front
of the restaurant.

“Are THOSE Hal Hastings?”


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