Sunday, October 09, 2016


The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Rate

-Our prof wants us to draw a
picture of a mind. So I chose Sudsy.

-Beer, greasy potato chips, and
humongous-breasted women?

-That's about it.

-At the further end of Einstein,
one imagines.

-Not so now! His “elements” have
gone abstract on me.

-Don't give them any power!
YOU'RE making them abstract
so you can stand them. Abandoning
reality! From boredom? Disgust? Fear?

-Reality smells like farts.

-Oh? Will it be multimedia then?

-Funny you should say that. Might add
Let It Be by Beatles?

-Reflecting, thus, the overmastering Sudsy

-No one will recognize him from the
drawing, so that could help.

-He has a mother who loves him, you know!

-Somebody else can draw that.

(Matthew, furiously dark, diverted.)

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