Saturday, September 02, 2017


East Sun, Sister Baboon

East of the Sun
and West of the Moon…
I gotta sister who’s…

unfailingly sweet.
She left with another
of her species.

Emails me now as to how
lousy people are.

Her mature views
don’t interest me.

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ABleach Vs Naruto, one of the most famous fighting games in the world, has a new update to you! In this version of Bleach Vs Naruto 3.0 which is the same as the other updates, you will fight against maintaining SonnatTAT. Bleach Vs In Naruto 3.0, we hope you have a good time with good fun.
ABleach Vs Naruto, one of the most famous fighting games in the world, has a new update to you! In this version of Bleach Vs Naruto 3.0 which is the same as the other updates, you will fight against maintaining SonnatTAT. Bleach Vs In Naruto 3.0, we hope you have a good time with good fun.
common family tale
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