Friday, February 23, 2018
Zif couldn’t say why he left it there.
Been cleaning, nothing major. Just
“rhetting up” as the Pennsylvania
Dutch say.
‘Well put it back!” --from Dorrie,
here to take him to dinner at
Luigi’s, since his car was at the
dealers. Again.
The following week, a few more
friends agreed that it looks
ridiculous there.
Biff and Nellie, both of whom had
held elective office, sang They’re
coming to take you away.
Cecil T. Ordway just shrugged at
Bowling Night. Explained that
when he designed for the stage,
he sat for hours staring at a model
of the set, and moving miniature
furniture around.
That very image gave Zif anxiety.
And Loftus, that longtime companion,
spouted “Don’t listen to him! All our other
chums are a freak show already. You’re
sanity! Move it back!”
So he did, and his breathing got
progressively better.
But, in its accustomed place, why
does it still call attention to itself?Labels: cleaning, home, housekeeping, organizing