Friday, March 25, 2022



Rinzy Kerrigen peddling

Encyclopedias door to door

encounters Admiral’s Daughter

by the water!

She of course grabs his dinghy as per ditty. Admiral pissed!

But WTF, she’s adult(?)!

Given more time, Rinzy knocks’er-up,then lies. He sells Fords now. Triesbeing hubby. (They’ve married.) 

In one of her Drama fits, loses Baby. Really sad…but so what? say you: True Relationshipsproceding from grounds similarly seedy.

“In books maybe!” she says. Divorces him.

Dealership loves him coaching Little League.

Great PR. Given this line, they meet again.

Planning to remarry.

He’s getting to look so very old! Not she.

Again, lives down by the water she, so watch your d****y!

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