Sunday, May 29, 2022


Modern Synonyms:

 Republican: Filth

Democrat: Impotence.

-Stop Right There! Filth and Impotence are presently

attempting to craft meaningful Gun Control!

-Where would that be? 


-A Fable! Time, rather, to drive in the final nail.


-Two separate nations, Blue: fumbling

but good-hearted. Red, where morons feel

included forever, FREE! to solve problems with 

assault weapons if “prayer” (cue laugh track)

doesn’t cut it.

(Too, the fey humor surrounding

the shredding of children will be in

acceptable taste.)

Additionally, of righteous course, 

Bribery remains proud! PROUD!

-Can we, like, return to the subject?

-Never again. Not my idea! Wiser folks have 

advanced it for years! Maps have been drawn.

Jocular to begin with, now increasingly serious!

-But, since many Righties deserve prison…?

-Most! Unspeakable Majority!

-won’t your solution literally set them free?

-If it saves one child, blessed tradeoff indeed!

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