Friday, August 29, 2008

Elevated Political Discussion

-Dems acclaim Big-O!

-How egalitarian!

-Repubs ready for Old John! He got the experience!

-Lived in various mansions.

-Ahhhh! What’s the difference? I mean between the two. I lean to oldster.

-Democrats are tax and spend. Republicans, borrow and spend.
They got two wars on Chinese Master Card right now.

-Well, they say money will pour into government in boom times,
cuz people doing so well. That’ll pay everything off!

-Those are regular shoes you got on, yes? Not ruby red slippers?

-Well, theoretically it could work...?

-Well go ahead anyway. Jump up and click those Nike Airs together.

-You’re a bitter one, no?

-You’ll eventually pass my station. I can tell by the enthusiasm. Hey!
At least Dems try. The other guys just steal and lie.

-But in the long run it’s the truth what they claim! Or could be.
What do you say to that?

-I’m overwhelmed. Such a debater! Meet me in the long run and we’ll babble on together about the wondrousness of it all. A Golden Age!

-Reagan’s Shining City on the Hill! Why not?

-And this time shines can join in!

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