Saturday, March 07, 2009


Two Old Republicans Again

-Our ass handed to us in the last two elections, I remind you..

-And now? We're identified with the various puny shit-mouths on radio.

-Without leaders, that's what you get. Casting around so, you’ll have
idiots pop up.

-Lie down with dogs, etc, but how do we rescue the brand?

-I don’t know. We're outa ideas.

-GOP siamese twins: Nada and Zilch. Why not start a website and encourage
people to send ideas?

-And pick the best?


-Then deliver 'em to our shithead leaders?

-Man! We're a corpse!

-And a quite stinking one! And yet some love it. That's how
depraved it all is: Slaves to Stupidity!

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