Friday, May 22, 2009
The Banker
-Hey! The Big Man himself! To what do I owe...?
-Flu. I’m filling in. Good loan, good rate. Exceptional rate, really.
Wouldn’t get that from me!
-I better sign fast then! Jesus! Look at all the tiny print. I’m being
totally screwed in there? Is that it?
-Not from this quarter. If I’m gonna fuck you, it’ll be in large block type.
-Hey! The Big Man himself! To what do I owe...?
-Flu. I’m filling in. Good loan, good rate. Exceptional rate, really.
Wouldn’t get that from me!
-I better sign fast then! Jesus! Look at all the tiny print. I’m being
totally screwed in there? Is that it?
-Not from this quarter. If I’m gonna fuck you, it’ll be in large block type.