Sunday, May 09, 2010
Jokes (w/notes)
A horse walks into a bar.
Bartender asks, "Why the long face?"
My meticulous and exhaustive analysis: funny!
Why? Read Freud on wit and humor to fry your brain as ef-
ficiently as Don Quixote's on bushwah knightly romance.
My father to brother and me. No circus this year. Elephant
shit in the coffee pot and they couldn't find the grounds.
Now THAT is American Humor: verbal, surreal, and scatological.
A horse walks into a bar.
Bartender asks, "Why the long face?"
My meticulous and exhaustive analysis: funny!
Why? Read Freud on wit and humor to fry your brain as ef-
ficiently as Don Quixote's on bushwah knightly romance.
My father to brother and me. No circus this year. Elephant
shit in the coffee pot and they couldn't find the grounds.
Now THAT is American Humor: verbal, surreal, and scatological.
Labels: Don Quixote, Freud, humor, joke, scholarship