Friday, September 17, 2010

High Visitor

-I'm here because you're in trouble!

-We're leading!

-Yeah, but opponent just congratulated you
on clean campaign. That means their polls see a lean.

-I needn't ask further...

-Three weeks left. Lifetime! First two: Communist-Socialist-

-Plus, he’ll vote thumbs down when on Grandma’s Death Panel? Uh huh. Well there went our Mr Smith Goes To Washington pure outsider!

-Professional Wrestling! Your glowing virgin couldn’t take opponent’s filth one more minute! So he's compelled
to fight back even dirtier!

-And the last week? I'm guessing fag.


-Well our own person isn’t the butchest knife in the drawer.
Prefers dancing with your son whilst wifey bottles preserves
as a matter of fact.

-U-tube him wrapped in bandoleers at gun nuts picnic!

-He might be queer but he's truly queer for Second Amendment?

-Bingo again!

-We’ll cover the board, and I’ll never again be able
to face this vilest of un-patriots at my church.

-You don’t face anybody in this town, you face ‘em down!


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