Friday, March 11, 2011
Wink-Wink Nudge-Nudge + Social Analysis
at the Triply Très Exclusive _____ Bay Club
“And jump down Lefty’s throat
when he says we don’t pay taxes!
We lay out our fair share, no?
George! Freshen the Congressman’s drink!
Yeah, the class warriors desire the class war
that they’ve already lost. Democrats and
ACLU are trying to cast medals for them,
and that’s harmless enough-–pitiful really.
Most are sad sacks, actually,
and yet we must all of us help
them save face after each rout.
They’ll catch on when we
ship the remaining jobs out.
But that won’t stop the whimpers.
What will? Learning to do
with less. Why George’ll tell
you: We had our own little budget
crunch here and had to knock off
for a month those lovely appetizers
we’re inhaling right now.
Can’t stop!
Hey, George, any
calories in these
hors de ovaries?
I always ask the same question
and he always answers ‘Not a one!’
Sweetheart of a guy!”
Labels: outsourcing, Republican, taxes, wealth