Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Story Conference
-Trial's over and she walks! Thus does the shouting and
the tumult die as media folds its sleazy tents.
-Not on my watch!
-Oh? Keep it going?
-Why lose ratings?
-But, suspense factor gone.
-Hey, our addicts don't live reality-based.
-I suppose you mean you get actors...?
-Already cast.
-The flattish Prosecutor?
-Totally evil rightwing sonabitch!
-Too much melodrama even for TV!
-But we surround him with decency for his team.
One pretty flutterer has a cop boyfriend really stacked.
He comes into the courtroom, the very air fucks.
-And straight arrows on Defense?
-Looking better: suit sponsor. We added one uncontrolled squirt. Dirty, unshaven look the ladies love, though they
might take a Brillo pad to him before they screw.
-It's all a filthy business!
-Yeah it is! Even better than life!
-How long?
-People die.
-What’s easier to replace than an actor?
-I get disgusted with us sometimes.