Friday, October 12, 2012


Show Token

-All races have similes for me. Black as the
inside of a cave, etc. Many more clever.
And extended.

-When I showed them your photo, they went
all babbling-ecstatic.


-Do I hafta explain the gig?

-Can I rely on my innate rhythm?

-Ha ha. They just put you front and 

center, often next to the speaker.
When he makes a joke you laugh etc. 

But you’re mostly there for optics.

-A quite dark contrast. Just rallies then?

-Some banquets!

-Goody! I can bounce the rubber chicken 

like a basketball.

-Maybe a smaller dinner thing or two–if they’re videotaping.

-Not usual. They’re often private. 

And clubby. Speaking of which, money?

-My commission alone greater than your usual fee! You’ll get rich.

-It’s an ill wind...all right.

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You poor soul...have no faith in the in-born goodness of neoconservatives.
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