Saturday, January 19, 2013


“The Death of Aristotle

went down hard in my house. Dad’d like to bring him
back for some new quotes. Mom’s all Shoppy-hower
or Shitty-flower or some such. 

Yeah, brought up by intellectuals. Not the same as
wolves, but the results can be as wild. 

I’m on curfew now. Freedom granted again shortly.
Then I’ll test the two fools anew. 

I’m looking for a fellow with a five-word vocabulary
who drags his knuckles on the ground. They want
a bright one, of course, so they can talk their crap. 

Liberals? Now what do you think? Conservative Intellectual
is an oxymoron, no matter what the hate radio of this
dumbed-downed region tries to convince you.  

And it’s Schopenhauer. I was just teasing. They’ve taught me
a lot though they’re idiots.”

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