Saturday, February 02, 2013


The Village Lovie-Dovies

Nick couldn’t look. They were giggling and
throwing snowballs at each other, then
collapsing into a snowbank and wrestling.

He was busy at the cash register with
old Reverend Rack, who held King
Charles Spaniel, Schopenhauer, under
his parka.

“Those two have been at it for years!”--
while bagging the minster’s Danish,
and the Quaker Oatmeal for his wife.

Rack sipped the steaming coffee, breaking,
though, to pronounce “That kind of
silly stuff can’t last much longer.”

Didn’t. Couple hit a tree while sledding down
icy Merchant’s Hill that dark afternoon.

Newly-minted pastor, Lucy, handled the funeral
as “an example of  undying love for us all.” 

Rack drove to Florida that morning with Schopenhauer.  Dorothy refused to go.















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