Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Cardinals at Pool
Two cardinals shoot Nine-Ball as the seminarian
enters with his more than tipsy guest.
-Oh I’m sorry your eminences! We thought the room
was empty.
He shoves the aromatic drunk but not before:
-I hear the new pope’s a darky!
If possible
to turn inside out from embarrassment,
the seminarian borders on the state.
-Now don’t treat your guest roughly on our
We knocked around this raw world before the cloth.
-He...well we both a bit, uh, imbibed.
-Admirable frankness, so let me respond in kind.
You may be looking at the next Pope.
-You’re kidding! Oh I’m sorry!—we’re just all
-It’s not me. That shark that just banked in the
nine ball, whole-table length?
The drunk, feeling left out of the ecclesiastical
moment, blurts
-Gotta know your bank shots for the job then?
The winner bellowing
-Wouldn't be surprised!Labels: Cardinal, drunk, Nine-Ball, pool, Pope, seminarian