Tuesday, May 07, 2013

New College President

-What I hear most about the present guy is that he’s beloved.

-Well now isn’t that just Apple Pie!

-Your nephew as a college president? I don’t know...

-Hey! The only qualification seems to be a doctorate. He got that, but I’ll be damned if I can tell you how. Though he’s not as dumb as a bag of hammers, he’s not much smarter.

-I hope he can act the part then.

-Beautifully! What he really brings is fundraising. Terrific at it. That’s the main job anyway. The scholar bit is wayyyy back!

-It just remains, then, easing the old guy out.

-He’ll go. For one thing he got one of those old fashioned pension things.

-Hasn’t been 401-K’od?

-Nope. Evaded that massive screwing. Therefore he can golf content in Boca or wherever.

-Most good pensions demolished courtesy of your legislature.

-MY legislature? Hyperbole! Well...does sound bad, but I guess it’s accurate enough.

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