Sunday, September 15, 2013


Anger for Art

Architecture as Frozen Music*

Uh huh? Leading me to feel
there's more bullshit there
than in the other arts, even.

Okay, I own a bar supply business, say,
& am looking for a standalone building
in Philly's Manayunk? Retail store-

front, plus warehouse in back
for the wholesale hunk.

What can an architect do? Well, some glassy
thing over the Schuylkill River, reflecting

the boats rowing by
sunsets etc. That's nice.

But a Moorish courtyard between
shop & warehouse? Sound ridiculous,
but I must keep on listening.

So, an architect should pay attention
to function, yes, but when a curve-

ball chance arises, fercrisakes
throw it! Don't just emit
some stale&phony shit about it.

Bike through Philadelphia University
one midnight & lights blaze
from Architecture Building.

That’s a start. No gentleman
or aesthetic lady desires
to be working that late.

*blamed on Goethe

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