Friday, December 13, 2013


Getting somewhere?

-Dreams turn the locks we fear.

-Uh huh. Well I had the lost one again. The familiar grid
and sights, and yet I'm queasy throughout.

-Who are the messengers?

-You can call them that. They're just there.

-What're they like?

-Extremely affable.

-No wonder. Because of their job.

-Which is?

-To lead you to another dimension.

-Oh? How came you by this intelligence?

-By feeling.

-Yeah, that stuff which leads to shit?

-Not this time.

-Besides, how do I know they won't trap me into
that bourne from which no traveler returns?

-You're here now, aren't you?

-Gave me a raincheck.

-Nonsense! In the next dream you might
achieve the dimension and check another out.

-Can't wait.

-But you must, for walking life is not a dream, really.

-Oh I don't know. Just one of your dimensions too?

-You're getting there. A truly future being. And past
and present, too. All simultaneously.

-Don't tell my mother.

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Very clever look at da quantum aspects.
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