Friday, February 28, 2014


Friends at Life and Football

On Cell

-Twenty birds outside my window on a wire. One turns around
to face the other way.

-That’s you.

-That’s me.

-What did it get you?





-So? Why persist?

-Endless loop. If I blow the circuit, I destroy the entire world!

-What a responsibility!

-Thus, I’m odd bird for everybody.

-I’ll never again accuse you of being a selfish, egotistical,
totally scattered son of a bitch!

-Amen amen I say to you that if a man repenteth of judging
his friend...

-Then both will pig out on beer and pizza. Kickoff at Eight!

-...and farteth! there will be Giants in the earth at this time!

-And playing the Eagles! And, I definitely wouldn’t leave
the artisan farting out.

-Our trademark.

-True...but we’ve lost women thereby.

-One thing and another.


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