Saturday, April 12, 2014


Communities In Percentage of Intelligence, Example 1

-The only Austrian village comprised entirely of idiots.

-I don't believe it.

-Professor Lewistone, my mentor, didn't either.

-Skeptical in everything!

-Naturally. So he sent me to investigate.

-And you plugged in all the models?

-Mostly the American one of forty percent.

-And that confirmed...?

-No go. Others failed also. So I spoke to each citizen.

-And some were idiots and some...

-Nope. All idiots. My report confirmed.

-But how could they run a village? You'd have chaos.

-Not quite, at least not always. I was present at an important
meeting. First of all, everyone had a wonderful time!

-I can imagine.

-And, actually an agenda item in there! Appointing police officer.

-What criteria would...?

-After much disassociated screaming, they settled on Katrina...
with the proviso that she wear polka dot panties. She misunderstood, so that's all she wore the first duty day.


-But off the chart cute! So much so that everyone wore them 

after that.

-Men too?

-None of that stuff makes any difference there.

-And did they keep on being happy ever after? As in the
fairy tales?

-Until the election. Then you got the usual vituperation.

-And an idiot won?

-Per usual.

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Redefining the first day on the job. Nothin but Dot's dots.
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