Thursday, April 10, 2014


Varieties of Discourse

in Philadelphia

Mark being articulate, too much, we went crazy with
his repetitions.

Whatever the subject, and they, too, proved limitless.

Lizzy, our garage sale maniac, hit one of Eagles memorabilia, 

the old dude having kicked his last football. Evidently a true 
idiot, his compressed air horn was thrown in by the grinning 
widow when Liz bought all the jerseys at full price.

So, we dressed in them, and blasted the horn when Mark
spouted on and on.

Worked for a while: he clammed after a normal time!

But one night, he kept going anyway, so we adjourned
outside for some weed.

There we just caught his murmurs, not unbearable. Anyway,
the subject was mothers, specifically his.

When we got back, Liz gave him one extraordinarily sustained
blast and he exploded into tears.

Trembling wetly, explained that talking was like breathing
to him!

So we compromised. He sped on, seemingly with infinity in
mind, and we simply turned off.

Yeah? Don’t worry about it! We ARE becoming adults.

Taking our own routes.

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