Sunday, November 30, 2014


u may know some

Neighborhood Association

Bixxy projected what was on his iPad. Rectangular map filled
in with images of association parties, mostly happy
or snarling children.

Then, suddenly, red blotches equidistant along the edge!

“These represent families of demons,” he stated.

“But, how can you tell? What do they DO?” asked Mary Detzy Hope.

“Right now, just routiney demony things. Early stage, thus
this meeting.”

“Thank God I didn’t marry you! Another flatly awful

“I don’t understand. We never even went out.”

“I keep a list.”

“Run the meeting, Bixxy! Cut all blabber short!”--
from Old Man Coakly.

“Including yours?” smiled sweetly Mary.

“ slide will answer most questions.”

And the next and next, until all groaned.

Lort Harrell piped up finally. “Thirty-seven ways to
identify demons? I’d be fired in the Ad Business!
Boil it down to five bullet points!”

“I will! This is a preliminary meeting.”

Mr and Mrs Oglesy spoke in one voice, but sort of
dopplerian. “We go by these homes! Bicycles in
the driveways, kids playing catch, our neighborhood
minibus picking them up for Little League.”

“All just cover. They’re demons!”

“Don’t forget the parents!” added Coakly to the couple.
“Breaking their ass for the American Dream!”

Although meetings usually broke up in chaos,
this one made a plan. Spies appointed to watch
each family, taking pictures with cell phones.

Supposed to bring evidence to the next
meeting but, Mary reminded, that’s  in
July and there’s not enough time to handle
this and The Fourth of July Picnic and Baby
Parade. And, especially, the crowning of
Little Miss Delco Heights.

So, August appointed to get to the demonological
bottom of things.

“Be hot as hell!” Coakly recollected.

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