Saturday, January 17, 2015


Sign, Initial

-You're sure, then? B and not A?

-Sure. Yes. B.

-Then, you sign here, and I initial
your signature as being from someone
I know.


-Not quite. "The Statement of Intents and
Purposes." Mine. You must read it and

-I already tried. It's incomprehensible.


-I'll sign.

-No, just initial.

-Are we almost done?

-Yes! Believe it or not, though, I must ask you
once more as to B.

-I feel like saying "and may God have mercy
on my soul!"

-I too. We must be old-fashioned types. would be phrased: If there
is a God, would you like that apparent entity
to have mercy on your soul?

Both laugh.

-We mustn't laugh. Too serious.

-It's a bitter laugh. Fits all situations.

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Nice work, counselor.
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