Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Love is not Love

that alters when it alternation finds

-Monday is a great day to be a vicious Conservative!
Think about it: you’re forced back into work,
hung over from the weekend, stomach-sick,
and thoroughly pissed.

-Do you relax Tuesday?

-Then I’m a Liberal! Pie-in-the-sky horseshit to spend
everybody else’s money.

-Don’t tell me you alternate!

-Precisely! Wednesday, gleefully back to grinding the
faces of the undeserving poor...which is all of them,
especially our darker brethren.

-So? You’re opposite extreme Extremists!

-Thursday, I peak. Pretty little guillotine on the bed of
my pickup, I cruse the upscale shopping centers after work.

-My God! You don’t...execute?

-Not yet. Just, remind. Play a cassette of heads hitting
baskets is all.

-I’m afraid to ask about Friday.

--Don’t be! I take it off. Friday begins a long weekend.
A prolonged Drunk!

-Well, you must stop! It’s crazy! And even though you
alternate, the twin monsters are inside you at all times.
Contraries! You can’t hold contraries...!

-Why I’ve held as many as six contraries before breakfast!

-That’s Alice in Wonderland!

-Isn’t everything?

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Where does one find a cassette of heads hitting baskets?
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