Monday, March 23, 2015
The Word
“We're both ragtag fundamentalist preachers,
or act the parts. He does drunks and addicts,
and I, Scarlet Women!
The Mega Church hires us to travel around to
rural churches and scare the Devil’s own shit
outa everybody.
Hey! We really go fire-and-brimstone! Everybody
loves it! Well, not the particular objects. They end
up trembling.
It's a real partnership. I research for him
and he for I. Say a guy owns a little hardware
store? Three rehabs, and slumbers in gutters.
Customers don't have a clue, so, you know:
Truth sets everybody free! My Partner gives the
shoddy bio from the pulpit as a fiery warning
to us all. The devil being the manufacturer of
all such addictive crap! And toxic secrets.
He chooses for me a typical pink pretty. Butter
wouldn't melt in her pursy mouth! Could be a
juicy abortion back there, though. Or whatever.
Well, THAT’s hitting the lottery!
Probably just the usual carnality with associated lies.
At any rate, when I'm through with her, she's quivering
Jello on the floor, that Scarlet Woman!
I say it like it's fun, but it's damn hard work too!
Good? Are we actually doing...?
Ultimate questions left for Headquarters! We serve!
Hey! Degrees from two halfass Bible “Colleges?”--
and I majored in Basketball?
Two Good Ole Boys made good, if you ask me!”
Labels: Abortion, addiction, Bible, bible thumpers, carnal, Fundamentalism, good ole boys, mega church, preaching, rehab, Scarlet Woman, sin