Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Winchester Cathedral

Forgetting SS

Baxey had told him the number to put in the blue space but
the woman interrupted him, and Krick forgot.

So he put in his old Social Security number.

That eventually brought a visit from Enforcement, Mr Pal.
"Were you making a joke or something?"

Krick made no answer to that, so Mr Pal wrote one and pointed
to his own mouth.

Krick then said, reading, "It's just a silly joke. I certainly realize
that what we have now is far superior to that despicable
Social Security!"

Pal then slowly pronounced “Winchester Cathedral.”

Which shut off all sound recording devices.

"Well, The Republicans have promised an infinitely
better program," shrugged Pal.

"Yeah, for eleven years," Krick added. Pouring out whiskies
for both.

Mr Pal finally toasted "That woman who caused all this!"

"A bit of a buttinski," laughed Krick.

"No more! I'm off to shoot her."

"Isn't that drastic?"


Anything said in a very emphatic way turned the recorders
back on.

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