Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The Art of War

and they is us

Winter of our discontent
insists Candidate N
in the fifteenth year

of the war to save us from...
we’d all forgotten.

Candidate B singing
Happy Days Are Here Again!

Meaning round the corner
where Spring could be.

Buds and all that good shit!
The Enemy wishes to field

a contender but the President
maintains we haven’t sunk that low

to the contender for contender.

Lower than a snake’s belly!
he ruralates.

The hicks go forever ecstasy
over their own. We have guns!

they shriek. Wanting in.
The army stays Professional!

stresses General Mulcahy,
waving his Art of War.

The Libertarian Candidate
proposes a flat tax,
flatter than Aunt Tillie’s Tits

re the country song.
We tried that and it’s shit!

the Enemy chimes in
and is escorted out.

The Socialists blame the bedlam
on Capitalism, but can’t
find an argument

that sticks. The FBI has been hunting
arguments in order to butter up

all sides. They’d arrest the damn
Enemy, but he’s too well-connected.

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