Friday, October 16, 2015


Rising Again

The Election

“Explain it to them one more time, Smitty. But make
it simpler!”

That from a carrier by my back fence. “If that’s
possible,” added another.

Then they laughed, jostling the usual racist signs.

I had to explain nothing, not running this term,
Giving my slot to a black woman who was trying
this last time.

She proved the most amusing to them of any
possible candidate, and they called her Aunt
Jemima. They had a huge cardboard cutout
of the real one, and moved it around in
seething psychodramas.

When the results came in that evening, it floored
everyone. She won overwhelmingly.

I went into the Lions Den then, their HQ. It was glum,
and the jokes grittier. But I had to see the Police
Chief quickly. I really had no office or platform to
request it from, but asked politely for protection for her.

That, of course, amused him. “No arrests tonight,
and none expected. You gotta learn to relax.”

The best I could get was that they’d “keep an
eye on her--which will be easy because of her

I phoned her with congratulations. “Worry not, Smitty.
Already hired three bodyguards. They look like walls
and are not known to laugh!” Then we laughed.

There WAS a murder that night, one of the carriers
taking out another.

The next day, the other party sent a DVD to the TV station
showing the destruction of the cardboard Aunt Jemima
by a bazooka-like weapon.

Cousin Jessy and Uncle Mac played it in an endless loop,
former announcing: “We’re still buying cars in all this

Uncle Mac adding: “And Frontier Dodge-Nissan’ll get
you from O to 60 before you even started out!”

Then the news informed that the FBI wanted a copy of the DVD.

"Frontier’ll sell ‘em that new humongous Hog-Wrangler
if they come here."

Cousin Jessy answered him, “Get the whole bureau
in one of them babies!”

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