Sunday, November 29, 2015
It wasn’t “You really should meet X.
Looks just like you!”
We stumble into each other at a
railway station, both on hour delay,
big storm down the line. Have coffee.
“You have the same little scar under
left eye. Cherry tree branch in my case.
Snapped by a climbing companion.”
He doesn’t remember, or says he doesn’t.
We fit up other particulars as to taste in
food and other trivialities.
Is there a Rita to tear him to pieces?
I finally blurt.
Zoe, and not quite as serious, “But...a little
hyperbole?” he laughs at me.
“I catch myself sometimes too!” he adds.
Little time left, so he proposes that we learn
to think alike, compromise on Rita and Zoe.
Since he understates, while I...
Thus Rita catches a break.
I take his card, he mine.
“What a creep!” I announce to my private
Labels: doppelganger, double, experience, girlfriends, marriage, rail, taste, wives, women