Monday, September 12, 2016


Deeper Down the Demons.

So much so that Gedge afraid to sleep.

Tried hard not to.

But finally gave in.

And woke exhausted.

Day-by-day things helped.

Such as sister, Delsey, asking him to pick up
a seedless Rye.

The children having an impromptu party, and
chattering about crazy little sandwiches.

For some reason he told Rita at the bakery,
and Baker Henry overheard. Insisting then on
doing a special loaf twice as big.

Gedge waited for this as the  wintry day darkened
outside and occasional plops of snow slid down
the window.

Could he walk Rita home?

Random assaults lately. How odd a request,
though, really!

The monsters inside must be laughing at
such a weirdo actually aiding a normal person.

He did. And really never left. Speaking of odd.

And don't think sex right away.

A sort of magnetic cuddling event that white evening.

Helps him.

A year later, Bakers Henry, and Jensy, and half-retired
Mr Wada kick into overdrive for the wedding cake!

Rita and Gedge? The couple on the wedding cake?

Mr Wada spends two hours molding it to resemble them,
rejecting the stock generic one of confectionery history.

Okay okay, am I finally saying that this fool...steps from a
nuthouse...harrowed by horrors...

that, somehow, Love kicked the latters out or something?


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