Sunday, November 12, 2017
The Stages of Music
Pleased so many attended her
piano lecture, professors and
students, the latter inching forward
in their seats.
These so rapt, she has to loosen
them up.
Injecting litle burlesque varieties
into her examples.
“Of course you could play it like
this (laughter) or even THIS!”
Chubby meets her after at the
short reception. Blade thin, but
the childhood name persists
as irony.
"You don't mind being seen,
however briefly, as a parody
of yourself?”
“I adore Miss Parody, and all
my me's!”
“Your me's on scene are more
than adequate.”
Suddenly ravenous, and lapsing
into the Czech accent to notify him,
she forces a trip to Luigi's, where she
eats and he mostly watches.
Devours, actually.
Labels: academic, appetite, art and eating, eating, gusto, intellectual, Music, pianist, piano