Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Team Loses

and I restage
incidents which

might have gone
another way.

But, get over it,
being a tepid 5 on
the Fan Scale. 10s

weep and gnash, forever
resembling let-
down patriots. Well,

the mouthier variety.
New Haven Arena once:
an old man refusing to rise

for National Anthem and
viciously menaced by
a trio of drunks. Is he res-

olute or ill? Fortunately, hockey
game flashes into life. Actually,

a drunk makes the best patriot.
In initial fervor.

After berating your pansy diffidence,
he suddenly crawls in apology,

then bawls over an unjust rain
of personal tragedies always re-

sponsibility of others. Must be,
at any rate, a parade some-

where. Or mercurials
anxious to start one.

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