Monday, January 24, 2011



-Weeks are going by and it's all CRF.
Crap with Rhetorical Flourishes.

-You may call it that. But it's our platform.

-But it's doomed. The other house will ignore it
or shoot it down. If by some miracle it reaches
the president, he'll veto.

-Meanwhile, the great ideas mature. Waiting for...

-What great ideas? Same shit your gang has been trotting out for a hundred years!

-Aging like fine wine!

-Meanwhile there's urgent business!

-I hope not. My constituents are anti-government.
They sent me here to do nothing.

-You’re becoming the patron saint of that movement.

-Amen amen I say to you that if a man is given a fish
he eats it. But if you teach him to fish...!

-Uh huh? You promise such and never deliver.

-Not a perfect world.

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