Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Rocco and Chickie Rainbarrel

-Rainbarrel! It's you. Almost as big as life!

-Rocco! Still pretending sarcasm is wit?

-Among other things. Tell me, how came you by this
ridiculous moniker? Relatives tab you thus?

-Who cares what old ghinnies do?

-How about Garibaldi?

-Fuck him especially.

-At last! How I waited for an "Italian" denier!

-Hey! I live in Cherry Hill now, in the middle
of grasping Jews. And they're as full of shit.

-But let us, please, get a good word from you.
Now how about the Egyptians revolting?

-Correct word.

-And the workers in Wisconsin standing up to the reactionary
toads and their oligarchic wingnut bribers?

-Like, make a movie, Rocco! Dip Brad Pitt in grease
for the Egyptian. Oprah can knock off fifty and be the
Wisconsin workette! They got black people there?
I know they color the cheese.

-Like some bread with that acid? But shall we go to family?
Specifically, your teens?

-Sharpening shivs to shove into the old man's back.

-Well, at least little Marie can’t be doing that.

-She's my sweetie-pie!

-That answer makes you Shakespearean!

-Don’t give me the college crap. They just teach fancy
language to lie about the shit you swallow.

-Whoa! Leaving without a traditional transition.

-Have a miserable day.

Rocco thinks the types met in South Philadelphia can’t
be duplicated elsewhere. Of course he’s wrong.

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