Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trio, Distaff

Three housewives form detective agency
(tentatively slotted for Fox, Fall)

Mrs X, Psychic
Mrs Y, gabby, but nuggets if you're patient
Mrs Z, scientific, travels with microscope,
ordinarily says little

Theme plays, vaguely Jewish. Twin flutes,
drifting above a classy do.

Y  My daughter, Nan, ran away with a man.
   (Incoherent tirade re men)

Z  Be all that vitriol as it may, I need 

to get into her room. Clues. 
Names from old dance programs.

Y  Her dancing not a worry at present.

X  I...see a beach.

Z  Better she’s outside. Health.

X  It's from Survivor. Spearing fish.

Y  (goes off on discussion of buttercreams)

X  There's...a different beach and two men.

Menage de trois say French.

Y  Leave them out of it. It's filthy enough.

X  And now there's a...third man!

Y  Busybody! She got into everything as
    a little girl.

Z  We must discover the third man's theme!

Y  Put it on the TV. Let the whole world know
    my family's disgrace!

X  Let's all have tea. And Entenmanns.

Flutes return, fade.

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