Thursday, November 22, 2012


Defining Moments

When the new ballpark opened, our gang hit the open house. Actually taking turns at the batting cage, like our high-paid heroes.

Jixxy performed his usual athletic mishmash,
but cheered the rest of us.

He passed that night. 

I thought, when coherent, an autopsy with one so young? But Doc confided,

“Nah. Bad heart since a kid, in the family.
Knew his days were numbered and spent
them in...well, love really.”

I spoke at the service about Lincoln’s phrase:
with charity for all.

Felt inadequate after, that my words not much.

But my girlfriend, Fay, whispered, “You were great, what you said!...well, Lincoln and Jixxy belong in the same breath is all. But I just can't be like them. I just can’t. I try, but...

God knows I try!”

Then she exploded in tears and I didn’t know if it was for Jixxy or her or everything.

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Never would have expected those particular keywords tagged to any single entry. Nice job!
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