Friday, November 23, 2012


Little Girl, Little Curl

Most especially horrid!
Meet with parents as their
experienced friend. Her

father for some punishment.
To his credit, not physical.

Withholding beloved chocolate
milk a week. Religo-Mom

for prayer, the intensity
of which points quietly

to goodness, or at least
relative peace.

I, in professorial guise,
submit a program
long and wise.

They object to its length,
which suggests even

greater doubt re
my reading children.

Short of it, we give up.
Victory for brat. Oh well,

that settled it then, queasily.
Fast forward twenty years

and she lives with cohort
of tantrum tossers. Boys too.

Drama has exhausted them
to zombies, though they

metamorphose each day
for business, and fake it

to make it. This goes unusually well
until excruciating scene disgusts

everybody. Prompting vacating from
latest victims by our own adult brat.
So? Can you spot one ask you?

Quite impossible.
They don't come
with timing fuses

like bombs in
bad movies.

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