Wednesday, January 23, 2013

-The Vaginal-Probe, Fuck-Leroy-and-José
Party keeps a-wonderin’ how it lost.
-Oh yeah? Well I’m one of ‘em. You see
that hill out there?
-Could hardly miss.
-Well when waves of Josés and Leroys
start comin’ down it…!
-Waves of Josés has a ring.
-They’ll hear something like.
-Wave of women proceeding too?
-Probably. Some ones resembling ‘em anyways.
-Wow! That last word! Six syllables!
-Keep underrating us!
-That wouldn’t be possible. Uh, will I…
taste lead too?
-If you’re in the last wave. Liberals, Democrats,
Communists, Socialists.
-You left out professors.
-Same thing. And hey, for the spicks and blacks,
AK47’ll do just fine. For you and fellow pansies:
rocket launcher!
-Ouchie! But un-itch your finger. I won’t climb the ramparts to augment, or advance with, any of my types. Too soft-headed. They keep losing their keys, and the war won’t wait for hysterical searches!
-Stay on the sidelines then!
-I’m seeing wonders from here!

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Yer too hard on them gop-ers. No sense inborn.
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