Tuesday, August 06, 2013


The Times, They Are a-Limping

Seminar 3000

-We conclude, then, that the best lenses into urban
anxiety are provided by the TV show Jerry Seinfish,
and the films of Woody Alum.

-Multitudinous neuroses! How could they even
minimally function?

-Thank you, Female Colleague R. But let's
get recognized by the Chair. No blurting.

-Ah yes? Our Male Colleague Z?

-Too much emphasis on what already is
wretched hyperbole. When can we explore
the rural? The so-called boob?

-If you read the outline, in the section
on Talk Radio. A medium which prompted
him to possess more and more weapons.

-Mine is bigger than yours!

-Again, Female Colleague...? Blurting?


-And not a little gold. Anyway, the so-called Rural
Wars swept the United States in the two thousand
thirties. Again, Male Colleague...?

-Give up on any Reason thereabouts!

-Just look up Republicrass. Excuse me again!

-You’re again excused, Female... And ah, Male
Colleague B? Finally? You usually chime in to
issue corrections.

-It's RepubliCANS. They encouraged idiocy
all round. Their core voter drooled.

-I see. I'll make a note of the drooling.

-The other party is DemoCRATS. Thus the mixup.
They went along, having the same corporate
paymasters, but pretended otherwise. They do have
a signal achievement, however, labeling the main
stylistic movement of the era as Breadline Chic.

Additionally, it's Jerry SeinFELD and Woody ALLEN.

-Thank you. Let the record show...!

-Excuse me, Professor...?

-Female Colleague...? Yet again.

-Such a sleazy, greasy, meretricious nonentity
of a time! Couldn't we just...?

-Well it is the topic. Shouldn’t take long.

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From your stylus to god's ear.
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