Sunday, January 12, 2014



Handling Things

-We can't be grownups in everything. Take your breakup
with Lynne.

-I still cringe walking through the public rooms we
frequented. Stopped going to Crazy Charley's altogether.

-That ended so very very badly, and no peace treaty or

-I send her Christmas Cards.

-Do you?



-Immature, petty, gratuitously hurtful, uh...

-Add stupid.

-Burning bridges with trembling relish!

-Relationships are not war. They don't work out sometimes...
usually because of one rigid personality.

-Yeah, that's me all right, iron bar down through my head and
out though my dick.

-It’s all so connected, and so thoroughly dumb.

-So I wasn't mature that once?


-Well, really, how much are we grownup, and how much...?

-I'd say with sixty percent, you got one hell of a citizen!

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