Saturday, February 01, 2014


As Childhoods Lengthen


“One thing we will never miss is a college
graduation or a wedding.”

Rudd didn't respond at first. He still smarted
from her goose-step with horizontal finger under
the nose.

All to demonstrate what she took for his Hitlerian
sentiments. Well, he WAS our Righty. The Rolling
Righty!” she proclaimed several times.

I got into her line of sight as a Lefty. She'd ask,
“How many did you kill today, Uncle Joe?”
Then a Cossack dance, faster than possible.

Ever since childhood, she had entertained us, starting
with puppet shows.

Of course, as we got older she showed more edge.

When we left for college, Rudd was too sick.

"Well, Rudd, then the three of us must talk."

I winced.

She went on. "You're gonna die, no reason to think
otherwise, Honey. On the exit ramp. We love you and
all of that, so let's get that out of the way. But when
you're invited to our graduation or my wedding,
you must RSVP.”

“There should be a code. It's nobody else's business!”
I added.

So we decided on 19. Meaning very very sick
and can't make it. Or 7: I'll be there by hook
or crook.

Two sevens for graduation. He’s more wasted in
the wheelchair but getting by. Almost could slide
between the cushion and the steel.

Like a playing card.

When she got the 19 at her wedding, she showed it
to me during the reception. "He dead by now.
He's simply dead." She had been a red-eyed bride,
and I wondering why.

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Touching combination of elements and allusions.
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