Thursday, September 18, 2014


Imagery of Structures

-Letzi says she won't be an Aunt Jemima!

-I can hear her. Does she do nothing quietly?

-Her boyfriend puts cotton in his ears, but
takes it out when they do it.

-More than I want to know. But, anyway, she's white.

-Last time I looked.

-So, what's with the Aunt...?

-Burks, in Shipping, is white, but they call him Uncle Tom.

-So this plantation imagery has invaded our fair firm?

-You could put it that way.

-What? If you're inarticulate?...if I read your tone. At any rate,
Max, I wonder if those terms don't fit SOME power structures.
But, not here!


-Look, you're middle management and I , ahem, upper.

-Just the facts, Man.

-And yet we rib the shit out of each other playing softball.
No class crap here!

-None. Squat. Zip. Zilch. Zer-er-O!

-Right! Example of how things should be!

Mr Ralph leaves, and Heskey, the fresh intern, tells Max

-You're such a freakin Uncle Tom!

-Survival of the Flatter-ist.

-You gwine t’lunch? Ah be.

-Can’t eat with field hands.

-Yeah! Just with House Nig-

-You studying company handbook? If you come up
looking stupid, it’s MY ass gets burnt!

-Must you interrupt?, de-dupt, de-dupt?

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