Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Science and the Right

-I think it’s called Animated Venn Diagram or
something. I’m just playing with it to see if it shows...

-Okay, one big balloon, Racists. I get that.
Another, Republicans. And...the two getting
together...whoa! Like, wait a minute! It shows
all Republicans Racists. That ain’t Science!

-It’ll take some tinkering.

-You need new data!

-I was expecting three-quarters.

-That’s realistic. I know that I’m a Republican and a Racist,
but not THEREFORE a Racist! Let’s, like, get real!

-Constant experiment! It’s the Science Life.

-They pay you for this?

-Your government does.

-Well, now with our new Righty bunch, you’re out
on your ass!

-Not necessarily. Why, look! The diagram changing
before our very eyes.

-Looks to be-eeeee about seven Republican Racists.

-They’ll be deified.

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