Thursday, December 18, 2014


Opposition Research

Consultant, Assistant

-Okay, what you got on the broad?

-Nothing! There’s nothing! She’s as pure as the
driven snow.

-Bad news! Whereas our guy...?

-Slush! The wives, the mistresses and messy divorces.
The girlfriends coming into the game off the bench.

-Been one busy sonabitch!

-Boyfriends...the latest.

-Demonstrating tolerance! Keeping up.

-In shrieking fight in male whorehouse in Vegas over
one of ‘em.

-That was a guy with a similar name. Not our idiot!


-Can’t really tell at present: records lost.

-Good things happen to bad people.

-Nothing “happens.”

-And now, returning to the present, our opposing Pure Prudence
also dragging vaguely dissatisfied hubby to everything.

-Domesticity worth ten percent of vote.

-Yeah, but she lacks the core lunatics our guy has!

-Exactly! Just one more task and we win! I stride forth to the
enemy camp! Not afraid to be a hero!


-Why offer not to use our opposition research if they
promise the same!

-A bluff!

-Why would you use that word?

-Sorry, I...

-Nah! It’s okay. I’m just surprised because it's the
precisely right one!

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