Friday, February 20, 2015


City Politics

“Marie, Marie!

Go wash your feet.
The Board of Health's
across the street!”

How we Irish asserted thus
our hygienic superiority in
New Haven, for now we won

via Mayor Richard Lee,
after generations of Yankee

fucking. So, we, in turn
fucked the Italians. My
father worked for the Journal-

Courier, published by
John Day Jackson, who

didn't descend from Prospect
Street to cast many Democratic

votes. Italians eventually got
their Dick Celentano, Republican.

Then, the Blacks fretted in
the wings. Eventually scored too.
And, after, the Hispanics. It’s

the story of the slugging Northeast city.
And one hell of a one in it’s grimier

precincts! Freedom of Information Act
devised for such. Small potatoes, but
toxic little buggers!

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