Saturday, February 07, 2015


The Rare Comedians of Rapid Falls

-The dentist drilled for decay as I said.
Down deep in my head!

-You usually speak in deathless prose.
But, exquisite poetry?

-A mere bagatelle.

-But, there’s a fly in your universal Jello.


-Wouldn’t GET decay if you brushed and flossed

-I’m as big an assiduous as the next guy!

-And you take days off from the process to inhale hangover fumes.

-Not many!

-Okay, so you’re a top-flight brusher and flosser, really!
The Lady Dentists will feature you at their convention.
In a brilliant glass case. Revolving.

-Me or the case?

-Both, in opposite directions.

-Christ! Vertigo!

-That’s for another kind of convention. Or film.

-And when they turn the lights out, do I hafta stay
in the case?

-Nein! They have their will of you then!

-Jesus! Can one get Viagra over the counter?

-Never you! The community must be protected.

-Be quiet while I’m practicing revolving.

-Fine! I’m making out the card for your display.

-Master Flosser?


-All great men get hurt. But...should I wave? Thusly?

-Like the Pope saying “Get those fuckin peasants
off the grass!”

-No! More modesty-honesty. See? I can fake that best.

-People will little remember what we say here.

-That’s because they got sense.

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